
Trouncer Legal has had extensive experience in creating Wills over the last 25 years. We have completed over 687 wills for happy clients and will be able to assist you with all your requirements.

Do I Need A Will?

Many people know that they should have a Will, but keep putting it off. Sometimes they never get around to taking action until it is too late. Whether this is because they don’t like to think about their own mortality, or they simply think that they have plenty of time ahead of them, the fact of the matter is that everyone with a reasonable level of assets, and especially anyone with a family, should have a current and legally binding Will. Clients with children from previous marriages, or children with special needs, or clients with elderly relatives living with them in the family home, are just some examples of people who may need to think carefully what the future holds in a worst case scenario and provide accordingly in a Will.

Why a Will is important

Whether you are 25 or 75 years old, your Will is one of the most important legal documents you need to consider. It enables you to stipulate how your wish your assets to be distributed in the event of your death, rather than the assets being distributed by a rigid formula set out in legislation. Once you have made your first Will, it is then easier to keep it under review and amend it from time to time as your situation changes.

Will Services

At Trouncer Legal, we can make the process easy for you. We can sit down with you and discuss your assets and your wishes to whom they should pass in the event of your death, taking into consideration your past and present family situation and other relevant circumstances. We can advise you how to structure your assets after your death to minimise costs, and possible tax implications for your beneficiaries. We can also discuss whether there are any people who may be entitled to make a claim against your estate, and how to minimise the potential for any claim.

Dying without a legal Will not only leaves a great deal of uncertainty, it also leaves an unnecessary burden on your loved ones and may add complications at a time they are under stress anyway. For example, a bank or other institution shown a copy of your Will may be prepared to release funds to your spouse or partner immediately. On the other hand, if there is no Will, a bank may simply freeze all funds until an Administrator of your estate has been formally approved by the Supreme Court, a process which can take at least one or two months.

Contact Us Today!

Contact us now to get your affairs in order. You can then rest easy knowing that your wishes have been legally documented.